Friday, December 31, 2010

Confronting your Accuser, Sixth Amendment, U.S.A.

The Aftermath of Child Protective Services.
This site is devoted to the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in the Bill of Rights: The right to confront an accuser, as it pertains to parents accused by Child Protective Services, often anonymously, or "ex-parte" (without one party present), often falsely ("hearsay"), and always without a jury trial, the right to present evidence, or cross examine witnesses, and the denial of the right to a competent attorney in defense of a government agency accusing these parents of crimes. This is an identical pattern, or "program" in all cases, throughout the country and the world.

The symptoms and disease of tyranny are diagnosed by a blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution, which was specifically designed to protect the people from a government of tyranny. CPS and Family Court manifest all the symptoms of tyranny and have successfully subverted the principles for which this nation stands.

What begins as an anonymous tip leads to unlawful search and seizure (violation of 4th amendment), removal of a child after an insufficient hearing (defined as a full and fair hearing) and a series of what can only be described as "atrocities".

We'll create a special blog addressing the atrocities, and title it CPS Abuse and Atrocities. One example of a CPS atrocity is declaring a young and lovely mother "unfit" due to rocking her child in a rocking chair during a supervised visit at a social service location that provided the rocking chair, because, according to the agency psychiatrist, "rocking a child in a rocking chair indicates an absence of communication between mother and child."  Another atrocity is the case of Greg Pound in Pinellas County, Florida. Greg Pound's children were permanently removed after the household pet-dog apparently picked up his infant by the neck, as she would a puppy, not in malice, and Mr. and Mrs. Pound took the infant to the hospital for an examination. Greg Pound took the desperate measure of running for Sherriff as a write-in candidate to get his children back.

We’ll address psychiatry and psychotropic drugs, and the false psychiatric diagnoses placed on parents and children by psychiatrists bent on covering their own disease: tyranny. We'll provide links to the agencies and people who have triumphed over junk-science psychiatry, and the hidden agenda of Big Pharmaceutical agencies to drug our children, as a substitute to the false "war-on-drugs".

We'll address Walter Mondale, and Bill Clinton (of all people to coin the phrase deadbeat dad! WTF?), and Federal funding incentives and rewards for removing children and placing them in foster care or adoption.

The link to the above-mentioned rocking chair scenario will be provided in the very near future, as will links to Greg Pound's struggle. The goal of this blog is that all "accusations" are supported by verifiable fact. Facts declared on this website are to be disregarded unless and until they are supported by verifiable facts and links, either listed here, or after independent research by the viewer. If the link is not provided here, the "who, what, where, why and when" of the case will be, for the viewer to conduct his/her own research.

For now, let's begin at the heart and center of the matter.

In 2004, which is rather late in the history of CPS considering that the Constitution was written 200 + years ago, in an Oregon case, Crawford v. Washington, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia affirmed that parents accused of child abuse have the right to face their accuser. (Versus annonymous "tips", ex-parte accusations, hearsay, etc.).

"Dispensing with confrontation because testimony is "obviously reliable" is akin to dispensing with jury trial because a defendant is "obviously guilty", Justice Scalia remarked. : Scroll down to third article in this blog.

The question we must examine here is, is this judgment retroactive or may we assume that all CPS cases which have failed to address the sixth amendment are null? I intuit that those cases are null, but that will not stop CPS, and subsequently Child Support Services from launching a campaign of abuse and terror against the families in need of (equal) protection by the government from this government agency.

Since we are in fact dealing with tyrants, which is anarchy, we may have a duty to exercise radical civil disobedience if all other peaceful pathways to change fail, and it appears that they have.

* * * Let's take a refreshment break and listen to a musical to get into the spirit of things. * * *

Disclaimer: the following musical has a dirty word in it. Please do not connect to this link if you are offended by dirty words. This is a link to help us get into the spirit of radical civil disobedience posted by Mothers for Justice in the U.K.

Now, back to the heart and center of the matter.

At this late date, most of you are probably familiar with the most unfortunate murder of Georgia Senator, Nancy Schaefer. For those who are unfamiliar, simply search for Nancy Schaefer on the internet. She is found in Alex Jones YouTube videos, an interview on the Power Hour, and other radio and talk shows on alternative media. I will post these links at a later time. Her death is a tremendous loss and tragedy to this cause, even more so since a non-corrupt politician and legislator is a rarity.

Senator Nancy Schaefer was attempting to expose CPS corruption, in particular, the case of Melinda McCoy. Melinda McCoy was a former CPS worker who was terminated for alerting officials to an extraordinarily high rate of drug testing ordered by CPS. It turned out that the mother of a CPS worker actually owned the drug testing facility. The drug tests, which the parents were ordered to pay for, was highly profitable for at least one CPS employee and his mother, and a conflict of interest, to say the least.

You may verify this information in an excellent article written by Blake Spurney at, on April 8, 2009. McCoy's attorney, Tricia Hise Leeman, successfully brought a RICO case against CPS: Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations. This helps explain why many victims of CPS perceive themselves victims of organized crime. Ms. Leeman's victory, however, appears only to have benefitted herself and CPS whistleblower Mindy McCoy. The case does not appear to benefit the parents in Georgia who were victimized by that agency, nor any other CPS victim in the country. Let us hope that Ms. Leeman somehow provided an avenue of action and escape for others in this country that are experiencing similar or the same corruption.

Disclaimer: If you search the McCoy case on the internet, be certain to avoid the Mindy and Mandy McCoy twin sister porn websites. If you accidentally download them, theoretically you could be busted, falsely, for being in possession of  pornography on your employer's computer, and/or, child pornography. Avoid this trick. CPS fraud and tyranny always involve tricks.

There are variations of conflicts of interest within family court in addition to the one mentioned above. It has been said that some family court judges simultaneously sit on adoption boards. Most states require that judges publicly declare their independent financial interests. When family court judges hold two offices simultaneously, it creates the effect upon a defendant that he/she is appearing before an impartial judge who may in fact have a hidden agenda, unbeknownst to the defendant. Such judges work double time at injustice, and the defendant must work double time to achieve justice. This is exhausting the economy. Most of the common folk parents only have one vocation, in addition to their role as parents, and are not "super-achievers".

I'll post links for making an inquiry into a judge's outside financial interests. The general rule is, if he/she sits in two conflicting offices (such as Barack Obama is simultaneously seated as President of the United States and chair of the United Nations), by taking the second office he forfeits the first.

Upcoming: The Tri-partisan Government: The Executive Branch (Presidency), The Judicial Branch (Court) and the Legislative Branch: Congress, Senators, and lawmakers. Current theory: The Tri-partisan Government of checks and balances no loger exists.

Upcoming: CPS, and tyranny atrocities. Case studies.

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